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日本研究:DAGE 防曬保健康
鯊魚肝油中的一種特殊成分DAGE(Diacylglyceryl Ether,二醯甘油脂醚),能同時做到防曬和調節免疫力。DAGE化學結構中的醚鍵(Ether linkage)能發揮卓越的防曬功能。日本有研究所曾進行一項研究,發現服用了DAGE的皮膚,在曝曬後沒有出現皺紋;而沒有服用DAGE的皮膚,在曝曬後則出現明顯皺紋,顯示DAGE有防禦紫外線、預防皺紋形成的作用1。


1. 西川正純。2002年。關於從鯊魚而來的有效成份。日本水產學智誌。第68卷第5期 2. 瑪魯哈日魯株式會社。檢討餵飼含DAGE食物對哺乳老鼠白血球數量、成長老鼠抗體量以及老鼠Macrophage的in vitro貧食能的影 3. Palmblad et al. Interactions Between Alkylglycerols and Human Neutrophil Granulocytes. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 1990; 50:363-370 4. Mitre et al. Humoral Defence Improvement and Haematopoiesis Stimulation in Sows and Offspring by Oral Supply of Shark-liver Oil to Mothers During Gestation and Lactation. British Journal of Nutrition 2005; 94: 753-762 5. Brohult et al. Alkoxyglycerols in the Treatment of Leukopenia Caused by Irradiation. Nature 1954; 174: 1102-1103 6. Brohult et al. Effect of Alkoxyglycerols on the Serum Ornithine Carbamoyl Transferase in Connection with Radiation Treatment. Experientia 1972; 28(2): 146-147 7. Ko. An Evaluation of Immunodulatory Action of Squina Diacylglyceryl Ether (DAGE): The Effect on Concanavalin A-stimulated Mouse Splenocyte Proliferation ex vivo and in vitro. Research Report of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2007 8. Ko. Squina Long-term Treatment with a Health Product (Squina Diacylglyceryl Ether) Enhances Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Mice. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 2012; 9(1)