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從鯊魚中提取高純度的角鯊烯的工藝複雜,微量雜質就足以令它破壞氧化。「雪肌蘭魚宝鯊魚丸」剔除角鯊烯中的雜質,雙氧值達「0」水準,產品性質極穩定,是市面上少數獲檢驗含100 %角鯊烯的產品。
1. Richter et al. Effect of Squalane of Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Concentrations in Tissues of Mice. Journal of environmental science and health 1982; B17 (3): 195-203. 2. Richter et al. Effects of dietary paraffin, squalane and surcrose polyester on residue disposition and elimination of hexachlorobenzene in rats. Chemico-Biological Interactions 1982; 40:335-344. 3. 神村英利,吉村英敏。油症成因物質之促進排泄。福岡醫誌 1987;78:226-280 4. Junya. Some of the Recent Findings and Comments on Pharmacokinetic, Biochemical Effects and Animal Toxicology of Dioxins and Dibenzofurans. Chemosphere 1987; 16(8/9): 2191-2192. 5. Kazuta et al. Mechanisms for Stimulated Fecal Excretion of 2,3,4,7,8 – pentachlorodibenzofuran in Rats by Treatment with Squalane and Liquid Paraffin. Chemosphere 1987; 16(8/9): 1707-1712 6. Senthilkumar et al. Effect of squalene on cyclophosphamide-induced toxicity. Clinica Chimica Acta 2006; 364:335-342. 7. Senthilkumar et al. Attenuation of Cyclophosphamide Induced Toxicity by Squalene in Experimental Rats. Chemico-Biological Interactions 2006; 160:252-260. 8. Rao et al. Chemopreventive Effect of Squalene on Colon Cancer. Carcinogenesis 1998; 19(2): 287-290. 9. Smith et al. Inhibition of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced Lung Tumorigenesis by Dietary Olive Oil and Squalene. Carcinogensis 1998; 19(4): 703-706 10. Michiaki et al. Inhibition by Squalene of the Tumor Promoting Activity of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in Mouse-skin Carcinogenesis. International Journal of Cancer 1992; 52:950-952 11. Storm et al. Radioprotection of Mice by Dietary Squalene. Lipids 1993; 28(6): 555-559. 12. Gonor et al. The Influence of a Diet with Including Amaranth Oil on Antioxidant and Immune Status in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease and Hyperlipoproteidemia. Voprosy Pitaniia 2006; 75(6): 30-33 13. Kelly. Squalene and its Potential Clinical Uses. Alternative Medicine Review 1999; 4(1): 29-36 14. Kohno et al. Kinetic Study of Quenching Reaction of Singlet-oxygen and Scavenging Reaction of Free Radical by Squalene in n-butanol. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1995; 1256:52-56 15. Buddhan et al. Protective Effect of Dietary Squalene Supplementation on Mitochondrial Function in Liver of Aged Rats. Prostaglandin, Leukotrienes and Essentail Fatty Acids 2007; 76(6): 349-355. 16. 瑪魯哈日魯株式會社化成食品事業部化成品課。攝取魚鯊烯Squalene帶出的抗氧化能力及其影響。 17. 西川正纯。關於從鯊魚而來的有效成份。日本水產學會誌 2002; 68(5)